caixaforum museum

CaixaForum is Madrid's culture and architectural latest star. It is One of Those sights Where the building is as much of an attraction as the content found in the interior, featuring With its exuberant façade to vertical garden by the French botanist Patrick Blanc.

It Consists of 15,000 plants from 250 species, attracting large crowds That Then proceed to the exhibitions and other events inside.

Once through the doors Then visitors are drawn to another curious sight, a staircase That Could Easily be mistaken for a Gaudi creation found in Barcelona. In reality however, the extraordinary Entire building is by the famous Swiss duo Herzog and De Meuron, best Known for designing the Tate Modern in London That led to Their Pritzker Award win.

The location Chosen by La Caixa Foundation for Its New Madrid home naturally HAD to be in the vicinity of the Prado, the Reina Sofia, and the Thyssen-Bornemisza museums, so for an old power plant That HAD to be restored and expanded. It is now one of the Spanish capitals best examples of architecture industry, and one of Its must-see sights.

The exhibitions feature works from the foundation's permanent collection (some 700 pieces by artists from the 1980s to the present), as well as temporary displays from other museums and foundations.
In Addition to the exhibition space, the complete $ 36-million Cultural Center includes a bookshop, a restaurant, and an auditorium That hosts concerts and conferences.


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